Work Order Numbers and Tracking

Although Mobile program is designed to function the same as Work , the work order numbering system and tracking are slightly different. When you create work orders in the field, the work order number that is assigned to them will resemble the following: FWO-1. Once you synch, the network program will replace the original field number (i.e. FWO-1) with the next available work order number. This change will be documented in the Tracking tab in the Standard Work Order module and the original field number will appear in the "Description" column. See the example below:

Field Tracking

Note: When a work order is sent out into the field or issued from the field, the Tracking tab in the Standard Work Order module documents this with an annotation in the "Tracked Item" column. See the example below:

Tracking Items

See Also

Special Features

Editing Work Orders

Adding Sub-Items (Tasks, Resources, Assets, Locations, Comments)

Deleting Work Orders

Deleting Sub-Items in a Work Order