Calculate Task Units

The Calculate Tasks Units option calculates the total number of units worked on during the selected time frame.

To use this option, complete the following steps:

  1. Populate the start and end dates for the task in the Tasks grid.

    Note: If your start date and end date do not match, be sure the "Enforce Resource End Date = Start Date" option (in Work Options) is turned OFF so you can enter two different dates.

  2. Select the affected assets from the Assets grid, and populate the completion date. The asset completion date must match the task end date.

    Note: The assets listed must have a UOM type and UOM field specified in the Work Flow Setup Categories module.

  3. Right-click on the task in the Tasks grid and select Calculate Task Units. The system automatically totals the number of units that were completed.

    For example: You are creating a work order for pipe maintenance and the task is knife and clean.

If the categories are properly configured to summarize on a particular field or to count the assets, the # of Units field will auto-calculate if the asset completion date falls between the task start and end dates. See the Adding a Category topic for more information.

See Also

Tasks Grid

Routing Sub-Tasks

Adding a Task

Viewing, Editing, Deleting a Task

Shared Fields

Special Functions

Populate Main Task

Populate Dates

Populate Task Units