Loading a Subset in an Existing Filter

This allows you to load all the records from the subset that also meet the current filter criteria; thus, narrowing  your search and creating a smaller record set. You can also apply the sort feature to filters and then upon loading your subset, the records will be sorted in the specified order.

 Note: Advanced filters that include the following syntax are not supported by this feature: WHERE [ID] IN (SELECT [ID] FROM.

To load a subset in an existing filter, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a filter or use a saved filter to open a record set.

    Note: If you want your records sorted in a specific order, use the Sort feature prior to loading the subset.

  2. Click on the module toolbar to open the Subset Manager window.
  3. Select the name of the subset you wish to load.
  4. Click .  This will pull up all records from the subset that also meet the criteria for the current filter.
  5. Look at the status bar to see the number of records in the set. Use the navigation buttons , , , on the module toolbar to view the record set.

See Also

Subset Manager

Creating a Subset

Loading a Subset

Deleting a Subset