AMR History Grid

The AMR History grid is automatically populated by the system each time a change is made in the Installed AMR Devices grid. This indicates each time an AMR is installed at the site or removed from the site (including AMR swaps), as well as each time an AMR reading is recorded. You cannot add records directly to this grid; however, you can view or edit records added by the system.

  1. Right-click on a listing in the grid and select View Record or Edit Record. The AMR History window will appear:

    AMR History

  2. Make any modifications necessary to the history record. This includes changing dates, recording readings, or adding additional notes.
  3. In order to save the record, the AMR #, Reading Type, Effective Date, and Purpose fields must be filled in and their combination unique in order to save the record.
  4. Click to save your changes.

See Also

Meter/AMR Readings Tab

Meter Device History Grid

Installed AMR Devices Grid