Swap AMRs

You can easily remove one AMR and install another by using the Swap AMR option. To use this option, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Swap AMR. The AMR History record will open.
  2. Enter the date the swap occurred in the Effective Date field. This is a required field. The combination of the AMR #, Reading Type, Effective Date, and Purpose fields must be unique in order to save the record.
  3. Click to save the change. The record will automatically close and a new AMR History record will appear allowing you to select the newly installed AMR.
  4. Enter the date the new AMR was installed. This is a required field.
  5. Click to save the new record. The record will automatically close.

See Also

Installed AMR Devices Grid

Remove AMR

Add AMR Reading Record