Purch/Warr Tab

The Purchase/Warranties tab allows you to enter purchase information, such as vendor, purchase date, cost, and dates received and replaced. You can also track insurance information such as company name and expiration date. Additionally, fields are provided allowing you to track service life, depreciation information, salvage value, and hourly rates.

Note: No automatic system calculations are performed at this time.

A warranties grid is also provided to track warranty information. A sample of the grid appears below. You can sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (circled in red below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.


There are three ways to access the warranty records:

  1. Double click on any record. This will open the record directly.
  2. Right-click on any record to open a drop-down menu. The menu allows you to view, add, edit, or delete the record.
  3. Access the records from the main menu bar by selecting Storm > Pump Warranty.

Once you access the warranty record the Warranty module will open. At the top of the warranty record you will see header data relating to the inventory form.  For further information on the Pump Warranty module and its tabs, please reference the Storm Pump Warranty help guide. 

See Also

Pump Inventory

Storm Pump Header Data

Attributes Tab

Pump Curve Tab

Motor and Seal Tab

Plates Tab

Status History Tab

Location/Construction Tab

Equipment Tab

Inspections Tab

Readings Tab


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