Supervisor Tab

The Supervisor tab allows you to document the water site supervisor's contact information. You can include the supervisor's name, address, phone, email, fax, and number of years on site, along with other information.

Special Field - Location Property ID

Additionally, this tab contains a Location Property ID field. Here, you can select a Location Property ID from the pick list or type in a value. If you type a value into this field, the system will check the Customer Address module for an address matching the Location Property ID. If found, it will then populate the address and contact information into the Water Site record.

If there is only one contact connected to this address (in the Customer Address module), then the contact name, phone, and email will also be included.

If there are multiple contacts connected to this address, then the user will be prompted for which contact he or she wants to have stored with the Water Site record.  

Note: When you access the pick list for this field, you'll notice that the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons are grayed out. This indicates that you cannot add location property IDs to this pick list that do not already exist in the system. This information can only be added through the Customer Address module.

See Also

Water Sites

Water Sites Header Data

Address Tab

Meters Tab

Owner Tab

Violation Tab

Construction Tab


Custom and Comments
