Assets Screen

If you double tap on an asset in the Assets grid or if you tap Add on the Location/Asset screen of the work order, the Assets screen will appear.

Note: If creating a new asset, these fields will appear empty.

New Asset

The fields in this tab are described in the table below:

Field Name



The first part of an asset ID (i.e. the upstream structure).


This is a read-only field. This information is automatically populated based on the ID1 field.


The second part of an asset ID (i.e. the downstream structure).


This is a read-only field. This information is automatically populated based on the ID2 field.

Comp Dt

The date and time the work on the asset was completed.

Odometer, Hr Meter, Oth Meter

These fields are enabled only if the asset type is fleet or equipment. You can use these fields to update meter readings.

See Also

Location/Assets Screen

Location Screen