Group management

The Group Management grids are on the right side of the Users/Group Setup window. They allow administrators to create new groups and view users and permissions associated to the groups. Security groups allow administrators

User and Group Assignments

Groups grid

This grid provides a list of the security groups that have been created.

New Group

Creates a new group without any permissions

Copy Group

Creates a new group based on the group currently selected in the Groups grid. Exactly what it copies is based on the Copy > Groups menu.

Delete Group(s)

Deletes the group(s) currently selected in the grid.

Associated Users grid *

This grid displays the Users associated to the currently selected group.

Assigned Permissions *

This grid displays the permissions assigned to the currently selected group. If more than one group is selected no permissions will be displayed.

* These grids can be hidden using the View menu.

How To

Add a new Group

Delete a Group

Associate Users and Groups

Disassociate Users and Groups

See Also

Users/Groups Setup

Menu Options

User Management