Attributes Tab

This tab allows users to describe the the location, and physical attributes of the structure.  At the bottom of the tab there area also several fields for tracking the last time the structure was cleaned.


Depth Calculation Fields

Rim Elevation

Enter the elevation of the rim or top of the sewer structure.  When populated, this field is used to calculate Active Elevation in the Elevation tab of the Pipe Inventory module.

Rim Status

The Rim Status is a pick list with pre-defined status codes to choose from.  When populated, this field is used to calculate Active Elevation in the Elevation tab of the Pipe Inventory module.

Structure Depth (ft)

Enter the depth (in feet) of the sewer structure.  When populated, this field is used to calculate Active Elevation in the Elevation tab of the Pipe Inventory module.

Cleaning Fields

Last Cleaning Date

Fill in the last date cleaned.

Next Cleaning Date

This can be manually added, or auto-calculated based on the Clean Freq and Cleaning Freq Units fields.

Cleaning Freq

How often the structure should be cleaned. The type of units this number identifies is stored in the Cleaning Freq Units field.

Cleaning Freq Units

They type of units the Cleaning Freq field is referring to. (ie: Weeks, Months, etc...)

See Also

Structure Inventory

Sewer Structure Header Data

Mapping/Construction Tab

Inspections Tab




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