Sewer Structure Header Data

The header fields contain general information to identify, describe, and locate each structure. It appears at the top of the module window and remains visible as users navigate through the module's tabs.

Field Name


Network Structure *

This field holds an alphanumeric, user-defined ID.

Flow Basin

This field identifies the flow basin where the sewer structure is located. This field may be automatically populated if flow basins are defined and the Flow Basin Outlets are populated in the Flow Basin Inventory module.

Structure Rec #

This field contains a number automatically generated by the system.


This tracks the status of the structure. For example the structure is 1=Abandoned, 2=Approved, 3=Proposed.

Map Page No.

This field allows usersto enter the page number from a map book that contains the sewer structure.

* Required Field

See Also

Structure Inventory

Attributes Tab

Mapping/Construction Tab

Inspections Tab




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