The Street module provides you with a street option that relates to the Accident module. If the option is turned on, the system will force accident case numbers to be unique. You will then receive an error message if the case number entered is not unique.
To access the Street Option, select Transportation > Street > Options and the following window will appear.
There are two options available
Use Road Modules in Pavement Modeling:
Yes: Exclusively uses Road Segment information in running the street model.
No: Exclusively uses uses the Supersegment information in running the street model.
Unique Accident Case Number Validation
The default setting for these options is Yes. To edit the setting, complete the following steps:
Click the button.
Right click on the option and select Edit. The following window will appear:
In the drop down Value field, select Yes or No. Yes turns the option on while No turns the option off. Click OK to make your changes.