Fixed Schedule (WO Start Date)

PM/Work Templates can be set up on various schedules.  This is one of the scheduling structures.  PM/Work Templates are scheduled in the WO Scheduling Tab for individual PMs.  For grouped PMs, these schedules are set up in the Grouped PMs tab.

Complete the following steps to set up a fixed schedule:

  1. Enter a start date in the Next Start Date field (highlighted in blue below).  This date marks the beginning of the PM schedule (a work order will be generated on this date).

    Fixed Schedule 1

  2. Select the interval at which the PM will be generated (Interval fields are highlighted in blue below).  In other words, select the time lapse between each work order generation.
  3. Click to save the schedule.  Upon saving the record, the Last Start Date field (highlighted in blue below) will automatically be populated with the date that was originally entered in the Next Date field.  Then, the Next Date field (highlighted in yellow below) will be populated with a new date based on the Last Start Date and the selected interval.

    Fixed Schedule 2

  4. If you schedule a PM to begin on a date in the past or the current date, a work order will automatically be generated as soon as the PM is saved. Once the PM work order is generated, the status will automatically update (2 = WO Generated) and the WO number and date initiated fields will be populated.

    Note: Only one open work order per PM is allowed at a time. You must close the work order before the next PM can be generated.

  5. Each time a PM work order is closed, the PM schedule resets itself.  For example, if a PM work order was generated on November 10, closed on November 13, and was set with a one week interval, your screen would resemble the following:

    Fixed Schedule 3

  6. Once a PM is reset, the status will automatically update to read (1 = Awaiting WO Generation) until that work order is generated.

See Also

Create a PM Schedule

Floating Schedule (WO End Date)

Floating Schedule (All Meter Readings)

Floating Schedule (Meter Readings and Dates)

GA Days Ahead Field

Meters Ahead Fields