General Tab

This tab allows you to include basic information about your traffic control signs.  In the top left corner under the header data you will see the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Device Code (MUTCD).  This is a code-description field that allows you to select a value from a "pick list".  Once a value is selected, the system automatically imports the corresponding sign image from the Sign Library.  Additionally, the Sign Legend, Class, Sub Class, Shape, Legend Color, Background Color, and dimension fields will be filled in automatically as appropriate for the sign selected. For additional information on these fields, refer to the Sign Library, General tab.  The user can then fill in the Special Text, Status, and Bar Code fields as needed for further identification.  Finally, this tab contains a check-box field to indicate whether this sign is required by an ordinance.

Note: Some of the sign legends in our standard library contain variables. For example, "Speed Limit (XX)". There are many possibilities for this particular sign; we have provided you with only one sample graphic. The intent of our sign legends like the one above is to indicate areas within the legend that may be variable. The Special Text field allows you to enter the variable text to better define the sign.

See Also

Sign Inventory

Sign Inventory Header Data

Components Tab

Location Tab

Construction Tab

Inspections Tab


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