Run Model

The Toolkit function is used for model runs.  Once you have completed your model setup in the Parameters tab above and have included all necessary information in the Model Setup modules, you can begin your model run.  Complete the following steps to use the Toolkit function to generate model run results.

  1. To access the Toolkit, click the button.  The following window will appear:

    Model Run Toolkit

  2. Highlight Run Model and click Execute. The following window will appear:

    Model Run Selection

  3. Select which models you wish to run from the Available Model Runs grid. 

    Note:  You can run multiple models at the same time.

  4. Choose a filter from the Available Filters grid. These filters are defined in the Supersegments module. The model will then be run against the records in the filtered set. This can help limit the modeling results.  
  5. Your selection will be displayed in the Selected Filter String read-only box. 

    Note:  To remove a model run or filter from your selection, click on the header at the top of the appropriate grid or click again on the highlighted record.  

  6. Enter the date and time for the system to begin the recalculations and model runs.  To begin immediately, press the space bar while your cursor is in the date field.

    Note: If you choose to run the model overnight, the computer where the model run was initiated must remain turned on and logged into Lucity for the model to complete its run.

  7. Click OK to begin the model run. The following prompt will appear:


  8. Indicate whether or not you would like the model run to update the supersegment current ratings. This step is beneficial if you have not updated this data for a while; however, it can be a time consuming process. If Yes is selected, each supersegment in the system is looped through with all of the gathered Subsegment, Segment, and Field Inspection information so that the current conditions of the Supersegment can be updated. This ensures that the model will use the best possible data for its model runs; however, if the you have recently updated the Current Ratings and no new data has been entered, you can skip this updating process.
  9. Once you select Yes or No, the system will begin processing the model run.

    Note:  The system may take a few minutes to complete this function.

  10. The following screen will appear apprising you of the model run status. It does this by continually adding the most recent activity to the top of the list. To see a history of what has been accomplished, read the list from bottom to top. When the process is complete, the notation, "End of Model Run", will appear at the top of the list.

    model run

See Also



Model Run Process