General Tab

This tab allows users to record basic information about their Project.  Here, they can record both the type of project, the internal and external Project Manager (PM), contractors, status, project duration, and classification.  Date fields are available to track the award date, notice to proceed, design completion, construction completion, and status dates. A checkbox is provided to note if the project is currently inactive. In addition, the Account # and Project No-Acct fields are provided to link to EDEN account numbers.  Click to view image.

Field Name

Special Function


Populated from the Work Flow Setup > Contractors module. Note: The Contractor record must have the Project Contractor box checked.

Contractor 2

Populated from the Work Flow Setup > Contractors module. Note: The Contractor record must have the Project Contractor box checked.

Internal PM

Populated from the Work Flow Setup > Employees module. Note: The Employee record must have the Project PM box checked.

On the right-hand side of the screen there are several cost fields.  These are calculated by the system.  These fields are defined below:

Field Name

Special Function


The estimated cost of the project.

Prior Year Funding

The sum of all Internal Funding and Grant records (found on the Revenue Expenditure tab) that are marked Prior Year.

Current Funding

The sum of all Internal Funding and Grant records (found on the Revenue Expenditure tab) that are not marked Prior Year.


Sum of the total revenue of all Internal Funding and External Grant records.


Difference between the Estimated field and the Funded field.


The amount of money promised to Contractors.

Excess or Short

The sum of all Internal Funding records minus the amount awarded.


The sum of all the Line Item Details from the Purchase Order records found on the Contracts/Purchase Orders tab.


The total amount invoiced in the Invoices tab.

Paid - Prior Year

The sum of all the invoice payments made for the project (found on the Invoices tab) that are marked Prior Year.

Paid - Current Year

The sum of all the invoice payments made for the project (found on the Invoices tab) that are not marked Prior Year.


The total amount paid on the Invoices tab.


The total amount remaining from the Invoices tab.

Paid/Enc Pct

The percent completed is calculated based on the encumbrances and invoices on their respective tabs.

Actual Cost to Date

The total actual Work Order costs to date for all tasks associated with this project.

Note: These fields will be used to update calculations in the linked Master Project > General tab.

Note: To update the calculations in this tab, execute the Toolkit function.

See Also


Project Header Data

Revenue/Expenditure Tab

Contracts/ Purchase Orders Tab

Invoices Tab

Permits Tab

Subcontractors Tab

Tasks Tab

Project Activities Tab

Custom and Comments
