General Tab

The fields in the General tab are described in the tables below:

Field Name


Estimated Budget

This field is automatically populated with data from the Total Estimated Cost field in the corresponding Planning/Budget-Tasks module. This data will be filled if the records are linked.

Approved Budget

This field allows you to enter the available budget for the fiscal year.

Expended Budget

This field is automatically populated with cost data from all of the actual work orders completed for the fiscal year.

Remaining Budget

This field is automatically calculated (Approved Budget - Expended Budget) with the remaining available budget amount.

% of FY Completed

The percent of fiscal year completed is automatically calculated based on the number of days completed in the specified fiscal year.

% of Budget Used

The percent of budget used thus far in the fiscal year is automatically calculated based on the expended budget and the approved budget.

% Over/Under

The percent over or under field is automatically calculated based on the percent of budget used and the percent of fiscal year completed.

Working Days per Month

These fields allows you to mark the working days available in each month.

Total Days

Using the data in the Working Days per Month fields, the system automatically calculates the Total Days.


The typical working hours per day.

See Also

Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year Header Data

Departments Tab

Custom and Comments
