Linking Work Orders

To link a work order with the current request, complete the following steps:

If You Select:

This Will Happen:

Same Problem

You will link all work orders that have the same problem as your request.

Same Infrastructure

You will link all work orders that have the same affected asset as the request.

Same Problem and Infrastructure

You will link all work orders that have the same problem and affected asset as the request.

Street Block

You will link all work orders with a street address within a street block of the problem's location in the current request.

Work Order Number

A dialog window will open prompting you to enter the number of the work order you wish to link to the current request.

Any Incomplete Work Order

You will see a list of all incomplete work orders to select from.

See Also

Tracking Tab

Linking a Request

Viewing a Linked Request

Removing a Request Link

Viewing Linked Work Orders

Removing a Work Order Link

Request Tracking

WO/Request Tracking Grid (Notifications)