The Lucity Messenger is a stand alone application that enables you to send pop-up text messages to designated recipients. These pop-up messages are setup in the General > Notification Setup
module. User name, login, and email information must be set up in this program prior to creating any notifications in the General > Notification Setup
The following directions will help you set up the Lucity Messenger program:
System > Configuration > Program Options
and setting up your Lucity Messenger settings in the Notifications tab. Note: The port number will default to the recommended values; however, check with your system administrator to ensure that your system will allow the port communication to the GSMsnger.exe application between workstations in your network. Often times local or network firewalls will automatically disable the Lucity Messenger by default.
Note: Select Tools > Computers
to view a complete list of computer names for your system. You will need to know users' computer names to create your messenger notifications in the Work Flow Setup Notifications module. Computer Names are case sensitive.
Tools > Options.
The following window will open:General > Notiricaiton Setup
module and create your notifications.