Standard Reports

This is a sample of the standard reports that are provided by Lucity. To use one of these reports export the report and rename it.


Standard Reports

Report Description


Aging Work Order Report

Lists work orders, age, and key data for work orders that have not been closed. Based on date created.


Closed Work Orders with Open Associated PM's

Closed Work Orders with associated open PMs summary report.


Completed Work Order Summary

Lists Completed Work Orders Summarizing Costs and Labor Hours


Contractor Usage Detail Report

List Start and End Date, Cost and Quantity of Contractor along with Task and Work Order Information.


Employee Usage Summary Report

Summarizes Total Cost, Units, and Average Rate per Employee


Main Task Detail Report

Detail of Work Orders and Costs by Main Task


Payroll Time Costing Summary Bi-Weekly

Summarizes daily hours for each time code and total the hours for a two-week payroll period.


Task Summary by Crew Report

Compares Crew Production per Task. Omits Tasks having a zero or no value in the # of Units field.


Work Order Form Report

Form used for office generated Work Orders to be printed and submitted to crews for completion.


Work Order Form Report with Sewer Assets

Form used for office generated Work Orders (including asset data) to be printed and submitted to crews for completion.


Work Order Task Resource Report

Work Order Report Listing Tasks and Resources.


Fuelings Summary

Summary of Fuelings for Vehicles Including Totals


QC Fleet With No WO Records

Finds all operational fleet without any history of any WOs being performed on them.

Raw Water Pump Stations

Detailed Inventory Report

Detailed Report of Each Inventory Record

Storm Conduit

Conduit Missing Inspections

Provides a list of Conduits that have not been inspected.

Street Segment

Connectivity Report

Report Detailing Segments and names of Associated Intersections

Street Segment

Surface Type Summary

Summary of Segment Count and Length by Surface Type


Building Inventory Detail Report

Lists all data stored in Building Inventory module.


Tree Inventory List Report

Prints list of trees including Tree Number, Common Name, and Address.


Park Asset Value Report

Grouped by Park, this report displays a count of each asset type, and provides a total dollar value for each and an overall total for the park.

See Also


Generating a Report

Editing the Report List

Adding Reports to the List

Deleting Reports from the List

Quick Reports

Previewing a Report

Printing a Report

Exporting a Report

Emailing a Report

Advanced Reports

Filtersets with More than 1000 Records