Employees Tab

This tab contains a grid displaying all employees who have taken the class in this record.

  1. To add an employee to the list, right click in the grid and select Add Record. A pick list similar to the following will appear:


    Note: This list comes from the Work Flow Setup, Employees module.

  2. Highlight one or multiple employees in the list and click Select. All highlighted employees will be added to the grid.
  3. You can then use the right-click functions in the grid to View, Edit, or Delete an Employee record.

    Note: When the employees selected here are also added to the Employees Grid in the related Certification record, the class in this record will appear in the Classes Taken By Employee Grid. The relationships between these two modules allow you to easily track which employees have received certifications as well as what classes each employee has taken towards those certifications.

See Also


Classes Header Data

Class Info Tab

Custom and Comments