You can easily map your fields with 'drag and drop' functionality. Simply drag fields from the "Available Fields in Import Field" grid and drop them in the "Map Fields From Import File to the desktop Address Fields" grid.
Note that the green field (Property ID Tag) is required. It is used to find matching records in the desktop. Alternatively, in the desktop the Address field is required and must be unique. You may want to include address information to maintain accuracy in your Address records.
All other fields are optional; however, the tool will only import data from the mapped fields.
To insert a specific value into all records, include a single quote before the string in the Import Field/Value box. For example, you may wish to insert the State in all records. You could include 'KS in the State field for this purpose.
If you accidentally map a field from the import file to the wrong desktop field, simply click on the field in the second grid and delete it.