Rehab Techniques Tab

This tab allows you to quickly link rehabilitation techniques to the pavement type and classification combination in this module. For each unique combination that you create (based on the Pavement Type and Classification in the Header and Rehab Technique in the grid), a record will be automatically added to the Rehab per Pavement/Classification module. This automation greatly reduces the time it took in previous software versions to create each record manually.

To add rehab techniques to the grid, follow the steps below:

  1. Right click in the grid and select Add Record. The selection list will appear.

    selection list

  2. The available rehabilitation techniques come from the Rehab Techniques module. Only rehab techniques that are not already associated with this pavement type and classification combination will be available in the pick list.
  3. You can highlight one or multiple rehab techniques to add to the Pavement Standard. Click Select to add the techniques to the grid and create a new Rehab per Pavement/Classification record.
  4. After techniques have been added to the grid, you can double click on a listing or right click and select View Record, Edit Record, or Delete Record. You can then make changes to the Rehab per Pavement/Classification module as needed.

Tutorial MovieClick here to access the Rehab Techniques Tab tutorial movie.

See Also


Pavement Type and Classification

Priority WF

Deterioration Rates

Weighting Factors