Creating an Inspection for Multiple Assets

To create an inspection from the map for multiple assets, complete the steps below:

  1. Select the Open Module Tool .
  2. Left click and drag your mouse to create a box around the features to be inspected

    Note:  This does not function in the same way as it does when creating work orders. Selecting multiple assets for work orders creates one work order with multiple assets attached.  Alternatively, selecting assets for inspections creates a separate inspection for each feature selected.

    Tip:  To create an inspection for more than one feature, select Create an Inspection for All Selected Features in this Layer.  If you fail to choose this option, the system will only create an inspection for one of the features you selected from the Create Inspections menu.

    Inspection Date

  3. If you have selected to attach documents, the following dialog box will appear.  Use it to browse to the file containing the document you wish to attach.  You will also need to include a document description.

    Note:  If you are creating inspections for more than one feature and select the prompt to add documents, you will have the option to add a document for each feature.  If you want to add documents to some, but not all of the features, you can select Cancel for the features to which you do not want documents attached.  The top of the Select Document dialog box displays the feature identifier.  This is the feature to which you will be attaching documents.

    Select Doc

  4. You will then see a box displaying how many inspections have been inserted into the database.  This box will prompt you whether or not you would like to view the inspections in Lucity.

See Also

Create Inspections

Creating an Inspection for Single Assets