Purchase Orders

The Project Invoice's Purchase Orders grid tracks POs associated with this Invoice and links the Invoice Line Items to the PO Line Items.

Purchase Orders grid

The Project Management > Project Invoices > Purchase Orders grid displays Purchase Orders related to Project Invoices.

folder Using Grids >> Add new record Grid Tools>> Android Screenshot Editable Grids>> Web_edit Using Forms >>


How to add Purchase Orders to a Project Invoice

How to delete a PO linking record from selected Project Invoice(s)

Purchase Orders record fields

PO Number**

Indicates the Purchase Order to which this Invoice is linked.

PO Amount

Identifies the dollar amount of the purchase order.

  • This field is read-only and populates from the Amount field on the Purchase Order.

Previously Invoiced

Identifies the dollar amount previously invoiced for this purchase order.

  • This field is read-only and populates from the sum of all Invoiced Amounts from invoices previously attached to the Purchase Order.

Invoice Total

Identifies the total amount invoiced on this purchase order.

  • This field is read-only and populates from the sum of all Invoiced Total Costs from this record's Detail records.

Remaining Amount

Identifies the amount of money remaining

  • This field is read-only and calculates as Invoiced Total - Previously Invoiced.


Specifies the amount of money to be retained from this invoice until the project is complete.


*Must be unique.

In This Section

