You may have situations when you need to complete work on an asset prior to the PM generating a Work Order. If you create a Work Order that would typically be generated by a PM, you will want to link the PM to that Work Order. Creating the link in this situation will reset the PM's schedule to the future and not create duplicate work.
Linking a PM to a Work Order can be done from the Work Orders > PM grid. In order for this link to reset the PM's schedule, the link must be created when the Work Order is still open (Status < 950).
*Note: This function only applies to Standard Scheduled PMs. If Tightly Linked PMs are attached to the WO, the Tightly Linked intervals will not update automatically on close of the Work Order. The user will have go into the Tightly Linked interval and manually update it.
In the Work Orders module, select the Work Order that you would like to associate with a PM.
In the Work Order's PM/Work Templates grid, click Attach Existing. A pop-up similar to the following appears with a list of PM records available for linking to the Work Order:
Only PMs that have a Status of Awaiting Work Order Generation and share the same Category and Assets as the current Work Order will be available.
The same PM cannot be assigned to multiple Work Orders.
Select a PM from the list and click Select. The system adds the record to the Work Order's PM/Work Templates grid.
An associated PM will automatically be marked as "closed" when the associated Work Order is closed.
You will not be able to delete the Work Order if there is an associated PM.
If you attach a PM to a Work Order the PM to reset to the future so as to not duplicate work.