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The Work > Planning and Budgeting > Departments grid contains the following Toolkits:

Perform Cost Update | Current Filter

Perform Cost Update | Selected Record(s)

Populate Classifications | Selected Record

Recalculate Fiscal Year Totals | Selected Record

Perform Cost Update | Current Filter

Updates all Costs fields on the Planning and Budgeting > Department records in the current filterset.

How to update Cost data on Deparment records in the current filter

Perform Cost Update | Selected Record(s)

Updates all Costs fields on the selected Planning and Budgeting > Department records.

How to update cost data on teh selected Department record(s)

Populate Classifications | Selected Record

Creates Availability records for Classifications of Employees and Equipment that have been identified as Resources on Planning Tasks assigned to the selected Department.

Note: The tool only adds Availability records for Classifications; it does not remove any records created previously.

How to populate Availability Classifications for the selected Department

Recalculate Fiscal Year Totals | Selected Record

Updates the selected Department's Fiscal Year Totals on-demand.

Note: This Toolkit function allows you to update the calculations on-demand; however, the Lucity Nightly Tasks function also runs these calculations each night.

How to recalculate Fiscal Year totals for the selected record