Vendor Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Vendor ID **

Specifies the user-defined ID for the vendor.


Provides additional details about the vendor.

* Required.
* Must be unique.

Contact Fields

Restrict PO List

Restricts the list of items the user can add to the PO to the parts listed on the vendor's Vendor Parts grid. When this field is active, the restriction occurs when the vendor is selected on a Purchase Order record.


Address 2

Address 3

Address 4




Identify the location of the contact for the vendor.

Contact Name

Identifies the person who is considered the primary contact for the vendor.

Phone Number

Specifies the vendor's primary contact phone number.


Indicates the email address of the person who serves as the primary contact.

Lucity uses this address as the recipient for the Send Contact Email Notification for Selected Record(s) or Filterset functions found in the Toolkit.

Web Address

Identifies the URL web address at which this vendor has an online presence for information, contact or processes.

Tax ID

Provides the nine-digit number for the vendor used as a tracking number by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

* Required.
* Must be unique.