Vendor Parts

The Vendor Parts grid tracks every Part that is associated with the Vendor. From this grid, users can add Parts that have been previously entered into the system and associate them with a particular Vendor. If the Vendor is restricted, only Parts listed in this grid will be available when creating a Purchase Order for this Vendor.

Vendor Parts Grid

The Vendor Parts grid lists all Vendors that are associated with the Part.

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How to associate a Part with a Vendor

Vendor Record Fields

Vendor Part ID *

Specifies the vendor's ID for the part.

UPC Code

Denotes the Universal Product Code for the item, which can be used to look up parts.

Part ID *

The agency's ID for the part. This field links the Vendor Part to a record in the Part Inventory.

Vendor UOM

Describes the unit of measure in which the vendor measures this part.


Identifies the ratio between the vendor's part units and the agency's part units.

Vendor Unit Cost

Specifies the vendor's price per unit for the part.

Unit of Measure

Indicates the unit of measurement that the agency uses for the part.

Shipping Dimen.

Specifies the packaging, width, depth and height of the part when shipped.

Shipping Weight

Specifies the weight of the part when it is shipped.


Indicates the user's preference for using the vendor to stock this part.

  • This field is for reference only and does not have functionality in the system.

End Date

Specifies a date on which the part may no longer be available from this vendor. For example, vendors may have a cutoff date for providing seasonal items.

  • This field is for reference only and does not have functionality in the system.
