WO Template

Work Order (WO) Templates are pre-configured layouts of standardized work. WO Templates enable users to quickly generate Work Orders by having much of the Work Order data already populated from the template. Using Templates to create Work Orders is efficient when you have regular activities that require complex entry of Resource details.

Work Templates are set up just like PMs; however, they do not have schedules and often do not have assets attached to them. Creating and generating a Work Order from a Template can be done from either the PM/Template or Work Orders modules.

Example: Your organization installs meters for two different cities and bills each city for the install. The account number for each city is different, and there is a different employee assigned to each city. You can set up a Template for City A and another Template for City B. When you create a Work Order for a meter in City A they select the City A Template and it automatically populates all the information about the work including the account number and employee responsible for the work.

Using a Work Template

Work Templates are used by the following tools:


How to create a Work Template