PM Grouped PM Tightly Linked PMs

The PM Grouped PM Tightly Linked PMs grid enables you to add a Tightly Linked or Affected PM to a Grouped or Grouped Asset PM. The schedules you add to this grid will generate in the following ways:

PM Grouped PM Tightly Linked PMs grid

The PM Grouped PM Tightly Linked PMs grid stores the Tightly Linked or Affected PM Schedules for the Group.

folder Using Grids >> Add new record Grid Tools>> Android Screenshot Editable Grids>> Web_edit Using Forms >>


Note: Tightly Linked and Affected PM Schedules on Grouped/Grouped Asset PMs can only be created using the Add new Affected or Tightly Linked PM to a Grouped PM toolkit.

PM Tightly Linked record fields

Tightly Linked PM

Identifies that the PM is marked as a Tightly Linked PM.

  • This field is marked here and cannot be changed if also marked on the initial linked PM record.

Affected PM

Identifies that the PM is marked as an Affected PM.

  • This field is marked here and cannot be changed if also marked on the initial linked PM record.

Routine Code *

Identifies the Scheduled PM that this to which this Tightly Linked/Affected PM is attached.

# Between PMs

Sets the number of schedule repetitions that will occur between instances of the PM generating a Work Order.

  • This field is only active and required on Tightly Linked PMs.

# Remaining

Indicates the number of schedule iterations that will occur before the Tightly Linked PM will be substituted for the Scheduled PM and generate a Work Order.

  • This field is only active and required on Tightly Linked PMs.


In This Section
