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The PM/Templates > PM Groups grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Group(s) and Existing Asset(s)

Add Group(s) and Existing Module Asset(s)

Add New Group and First Asset

Delete Group(s) and All Their Assets for Selected Record(s)

Add Group(s) and Existing Asset(s)

Adds Group(s) and Asset(s) to a Grouped or Grouped Asset PM.

Note: The same toolkit window will appear for Grouped or Grouped Asset PMs but will have different options active/inactive or auto-populated.

How to add Group(s) and existing Asset(s) to a Grouped PM

How to add Group(s) and existing Asset(s) to a Grouped Asset PM

Add Group(s) and Existing Module Asset(s)

Adds Group(s) and Asset(s) to a Grouped or Grouped Asset PM. The name of this toolkit changes to match the module associated to the PM's Category. The toolkit will display Asset options only from the selected PM's Category.

For example, the toolkit displayed for a Fleet Work Order will be Add Groups and Existing Fleet Assets. The Asset options will come from the Fleet Inventory module.

How to add Group(s) and existing module Asset(s) to a Grouped PM

How to add Group(s) and existing module Asset(s) to a Grouped Asset PM

Add New Group and First Asset

Adds a new Group to a PM/Template and an Asset to that Group's Grouped PM Asset grid.

Note: This toolkit works the same for both Grouped and Grouped Asset PMs.

How to add a new PM Group with its first Asset

Delete Group(s) and All Their Assets for Selected Record(s)

Deletes selected PM Groups(s) and all their Assets.

How to delete group(s) and their assets for selected record(s)