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The PM/Templates > PM Tasks grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Main Task

Add Multiple Contractors for Selected Record(s)

Add Multiple Employees for Selected Record(s)

Add Multiple Equipment for Selected Record(s)

Add Multiple Fluids for Selected Record

Add Multiple Material Kits for Selected Record

Add Multiple Materials for Selected Record

Add Multiple Tasks

Copy Resources to Another Task for Selected Record

Add Main Task

Adds the Main Task from the PM/Template record to the Tasks grid without having to create a new Tasks record.

*Note: The Toolkit is only active if there is a Main Task specified in the PM/Template record.

How to add a Main Task from a PM/Template record

Add Multiple Contractors for Selected Record(s)

Adds one or more Contractors to the selected PM Task(s) including related Contractor data such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time.

How to add multiple Contractors to the selected PM Task(s)

Add Multiple Employees for Selected Record(s)

Adds one or more Employees to the selected PM Task(s) including related Employee data such as Time Cost, Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time.

How to add multiple Employees to the selected PM Task(s)

Add Multiple Equipment for Selected Record(s)

Adds one or more pieces of Equipment to the selected PM Task(s), along with related Equipment data, such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time.

How to add multiple Equipment to selected PM Task(s)

Add Multiple Fluids for Selected Record

Adds one or more Fluids to the selected PM Task, along with related Fluid data, such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time.

How to add multiple Fluids to selected PM Task

Add Multiple Material Kits for Selected Record

Adds one or more Material Kits to the selected PM Task, along with related Material Kit data, such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time.

How to add multiple Material Kits to selected PM Task

Add Multiple Materials for Selected Record

Adds one or more Materials to the selected PM Task, along with related Material data, such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time.

How to add multiple Materials to selected PM Task

Add Multiple Tasks

Enables you to assign multiple PM Tasks at one time.

How to add multiple Tasks to a PM Task

Copy Resources to Another Task for Selected Record

Assigns one or more Resources from a selected Task to one or more Tasks in the PM/Template. This toolkit is only active when a single Task is selected in the grid.

How to copy Resources to another Task for selected record