Setup Tab

The first tab in the Category Setup tab menu, the Setup tab, functions differently than the others. It consists of a form with details about the Category Setup record selected in the Category Tree.

Category Setup Fields

Parent Category

Indicates the over-arching Category under which the current Category falls (or is nested).


Identifies the category by a unique, agency-defined code and description.

This is the information users will see when asked to choose a Category in any of the Work modules.


Indicates whether this Category is either:

  • Classification - Used to categories that are for organizational purposes within the category tree and for categories that represent work that is not specific to a type of asset.

    Example: Sewer Department would be a Classification category.

  • Inventory Items - Used for categories that are specific for a type of asset. The type of asset is selected in the Common Name field.

    Example: Sewer Pipes would be a Inventory Items category.

Common Name *

Indicates which asset inventory module is associated with the category when the Classification field is set to Inventory Items.

UOM Type *

Indicates how work is tallied for this category.

  • Count - Used when work is measured by individual objects.
    Example: Crew A worked on five sewer structures today.
  • Sum - Used when work is measured in sections of an Asset that are based on one of the Asset's attributes.
    Example: Crew A worked on426 feet of sewer pipe today.

More information about work quantity calculations

UOM Field *

Indicates which field in the Asset Inventory module the system should add together when the UOM Type is Sum.

More information about work quantity calculations

Unit of Measure *

Specifies the unit of measure used for this type of work.

Account #

Identifies the financial account linked to the category.

  • Note: This field does not relate to accounts used in the Finance Enterprise integrations.

Proj No - Acct

Indicates the project number linked to the category.

  • Note: This field does not relate to accounts used in the Finance Enterprise integrations.






Identifies the agency entity (department, division, etc.) responsible for this work.

When a user creates a Work Order or Request and selects the Category, the system automatically imports this organizational information into the Work Order/Request record.

Requires Asset to Close WO

Requires that, when creating a Work Order with this Category, the user add an Asset (of the same Category) before closing the Work Order.

More information about Work Order > Assets

Requires Employee Time to Close WO

Requires that at least one Employee attached as a Resource to a Work Order of this Category enter at least one hour in their Time before the Work Order can be closed.

More information about Work Order > Tasks > Employees

Request WO Creation Shows Templates

Causes the Create Work Order tool in the Work Request module to display all WO Templates that use this category.

More information about the Create Work Order tool

* Only available if the Classification is set to Inventory Type.

Setup Tab Tools

The following tools are available when the Setup tab is selected in the Category Setup module:



Saves edits to the Category currently displayed in the Setup tab.


Save and Add Another

Saves edits to the Category currently displayed in the Setup tab and then creates and displays a new Category record.



Cancels all edits to the Category Setup form.