Module-Specific Tools

The following tools have special functionality for specific modules and only appear in relevant grids:




Available In

Inspection Graph

Inspection Graph

Displays Observations generated during a Sewer or Storm Pipe Inspection.

This button is available only in the listed inspection modules and in relevant grids.

  • Sewer Pipe
  • TV Inspection
  • PACP Inspection
  • Storm Conduit
  • Inspections
  • PACP Inspections

Tire Tools

Tire Tools

Provides tools that enable users to manage the tires on a vehicle.


Edit Resources

Displays a single page with editable resource grids for each Work Order Resource type. This enables users to rapidly add and edit resources for a single task.

work clock

Work Clock

Enables users to start/stop the work clock for a task on the selected work order.

  • Work Orders

Work Scheduler

Fleet Reservations Scheduler

Displays Fleet Reservations in a calendar or timeline format, making it easy for motor pool managers to add, edit and manage reservations.


In This Section

Inspection Graph

Tire Tools

Edit Resources Tool

Work Clock