URL Plugins display a link to a web address on the Dashboard. This feature can be used to add a link to the Dashboard or to embed another website into the Frame.

Note: A URL plugin is how you can add SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) reports.

Web Example

URL Example



A link to http://blog.lucity.com is embedded in the Lucity Help Portal. Click the Lucity Blog text to open that website. 

Supported URLs

The system supports different types of URLS. These are set in the Supported Link schemes system setting.

Note: Not all URLs will work on all platforms as some urls are specific to a given platform (ex. facetime://)


URL Plugin

URL Options

Display Text

The text that will appear as the hyperlink to the specified website.

URL Address

The web address for the web content to link to or display. Supports http, https, mailto.

Render URL as Web Page

Directs the system to embed the actual web content in the Dashboard.


Controls how much vertical space the plugin will stretch when displaying a webpage.

  • Only available when the Render URL as Web Page option is enabled.


Saves all changes and closes the window.


Cancels all changes and closes the window.


How to add a URL Plugin