
To access Lucity Web, users must open the application in a web browser and log in. Several types of logins are available:


How to access Lucity Web

How to login to Lucity web using ArcGIS SSO


Password Expiration

Agencies who use Lucity application authentication may choose to enhance security by forcing users to change their Lucity login passwords periodically.

When the Password Expiration feature is in place, Lucity Web users are notified that their password will soon expire:

password expiring

To change your password, go the User Pane and use the Change Password tool.

Relevant Settings: Passwords >>


Opening Lucity Web in Multiple Windows

We allow a single user to login from more than one location simultaneously.  We hope this will help users by allowing them to have the Lucity app open on their desktop in several browsers as well as other devices they may be using.  This could allow you to look at several parts of the application at once. However, it is a violation of the Lucity software license agreement for users to share user logons for any clients using any seat (concurrent) or named user license configurations.