Special Function Fields

Below is a list of fields in the Employee module that have special functionality.

Field Name

Special Function(s)

Assigned Work Field

This numeric field calculates the total number of estimated work hours assigned to an employee. This is based on the estimated time it will take to complete each work order assigned to the employee for the week or the next seven days. Once a work order is marked complete, the assigned work hours are removed from this field.

Note: For this field to function, the employee must be assigned as the lead worker on the work orders, the start dates must be populated on those same work orders, and the Estimated Labor Hours field (found in the Cost tab in Work Orders) must be populated.

Login ID Field

The login ID should be the same as the employee's user ID in the Lucity suite. Only if the login IDs match can the “Use Category Special Permission” option be applied from the Work Options module. This option enables agencies to define user rights based on the work order category.

The login ID must be populated if the employee is to have permission to edit and close the routing tasks in a work order.

Note: The Login field is case sensitive for Oracle users.

Account # Field

This account # is automatically populated in the Work Orders Resources grid when the employee is selected as a resource (from here it can be edited).

If work options are set to have Work integrate with an outside financial accounting system, the account # field will appear "grayed out" and will not allow data entry. Click on the field caption to receive directions for attaching an account # to a grayed out field. This is not a required field.

Proj No- Acct Field

This Proj No - Acct is automatically populated in the Work Orders Resources grid when the employee is selected as a resource (from here it can be edited).

If work options are set to have Work integrate with an outside financial accounting system, the Proj No - Acct field will appear "grayed out" and will not allow data entry. Click on the field caption to receive directions for attaching a Proj No - Acct to a grayed out field. This is not a required field.

Supv Req Notif

The Supervisor Request Notification field allows you to choose which notice will be sent to an employee assigned as a supervisor in a work request.

Note: The pick list of notifications is from the Notifications module.

Supv Work Notif

The Supervisor Work Notification field allows you to choose which notice is sent to an employee assigned as a supervisor in a work order.

Note: The pick list of notifications is from the Notifications module.

Lead Work Notif

The Lead Worker Notification field allows you to choose which notice is sent to an employee assigned as a lead worker in a work order.

Note: The pick list of notifications is from the Notifications module.

Unit Cost Field

When the employee is selected as a resource in a work order, the data in this field is automatically carried over to the Default Unit Cost (Normal Units) field in the resource record (from here it can be modified). If the Default Cost field doesn't contain data, you can manually enter a unit cost into this field. This field corresponds with the time cost code of "1 - Regular Time" (Work Time Cost).

Note: If the data in this field resembles (*"***.#*"), then you do not have rights within Security to view the data in this field. Please see your system administrator for details.

Regular External Rate Field

This field allows you to include a monetary value for the regular external hourly rate.  If this field is populated, the system will use this value instead of the multiplier in the Work Time Cost module if a time code of 3 or time text of External Regular Time is selected in the work resource dialog.

Note:  The value in this rate field is not a multiplier.

Overtime Rate Field

This field allows you to include a monetary value for the overtime hourly rate.  If this field is populated, the system will use this value for the overtime cost instead of the multiplier in the Work Time Cost module as well as the time cost settings for the time cost code of "2".

Note:  The value in this rate field is not a multiplier.

Overtime External Rate Field

This field allows you to include a monetary value for the overtime external hourly rate.  If this field is populated, the system will use this value instead of the multiplier in the Work Time Cost module module if a time code of "4" or time text of "External Overtime" is selected in the work resource dialog.

Note:  The value in this rate field is not a multiplier.

Supervisor Button

The Supervisor button, if marked, signifies that the employee is a supervisor. This box must be checked in order for the employee to appear in the Supervisor pick list and receive supervisor notifications.

Note: An employee can be a lead worker, an assigner, and a supervisor.

Lead Worker Button

The Lead Worker button, if marked, signifies that the employee is a lead worker. This box must be checked in order for the employee to appear in the Lead Worker pick list and receive lead worker notifications.

Note: An employee can be a lead worker, an assigner, and a supervisor.

Assigner Button

The Assigner button, if marked, signifies that the employee can assign work. This box must be checked in order for the employee to appear in the Assigned By pick list.

Note: An employee can be a lead worker, an assigner, and a supervisor.

Start Date

The Start date field allows you to enter the date the employee was hired. By entering this date, you allow the Seniority field to be calculated.

The Seniority field can then calculate the amount of time worked by that employee, thereby allowing you to see which employees have seniority.

End Date

This field allows users to enter the date the employee stopped working for the agency. This is taken into account when calculating the Seniority.

Seniority Field

Seniority is calculated from the employee start date through the current day (based on the computer's system clock).  This value is then broken down into years, months, and days.

Journal Entry Import Button

The Journal Entry button, if marked, signals that this resource will be imported into the EDEN General Ledger.

Note: We do not recommend including the employee in a general ledger import if the employee will be imported into the general ledger via the payroll system in the financials software.

Assigned To

This field indicates the Supervisor the employee is under. Click on the field caption or click in the field and press F9 for a list of Supervisors. Only employee's that have the Supervisor check box checked will appear in this list.

Note: The Unit Cost and Rate fields have been removed from the filter and browse options. This ensures that users without permissions cannot determine employee rates by using these options.