Time Cost Setup

The Administration - Time Cost Setup module allows you to define work hours by setting up multipliers* and straight time rates*. Two time codes are preset for you: 1=Regular hours, 2=Overtime hours.  Regular time has a default multiplier of 1.  Overtime has a default multiplier of 1.5.  While you can edit the multipliers for these time codes, do not change the time codes themselves.  These preset time codes are used internally to calculate the hourly cost for "Standard Time" and "Overtime" fields in the Resources grid in the Standard Work Orders and Work Order Lite modules.

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To access the Time Cost Setup module, select Work > Administration > Time Cost Setup and the following window will appear.

Time Cost

*Note: Multipliers and Straight Time Rates are defined in the Adding a Time Code topic. For additional information, please reference that section.

In This Section

How To Add a Time Code

Costing Work Orders