Create Work Point Tool


The Point Location tool records the X/Y coordinates, latitude/longitude, and the reverse-geocoded address for a point on the map.  The X/Y values can later be attached to a work order or PM/Work template.


How To Create a Work Point

  1. Select the pin tool.
  2. Click on a location in the map. A green pushpin pin appears at the point, and a new layer appears in the Table of Contents called "Lucity Point Locations Tool."

    Note: To remove a point, remove the Lucity Point Locations Tool layer from the map.

  3. If desired, use the Data Table to perform one of the following actions:

Android Screenshot

Create Request *

Creates a Request for a highlighted asset.

Android Screenshot

Create Work Order *

Creates a Work Order for all highlighted assets.

create pm icon

Create PM/Template *

Produces a new PM/Template for the selected records or the chosen filterset.

attach to wo

Attach to Work Order *

Attaches highlighted assets to a existing Work Order.

attach to PM

Attach to PM/Template *

Attaches the selected assets to an existing PM as a PM Asset.

* Only appears if the user has the necessary permission in the related module.