Using the Work Flow Setup > Problems module > Notifications tab general problem notifications can be configured (set up in the Notification Setup (Notification Setup, module). These will be automatically sent when that problem is selected in a request. These can be used to update employee's, and other recipients with Work Request information.
Who receives a general problem notification?
If it is an email notification, only email addresses specified in the notification template's recipient list will be emailed.
If it is a report it will either go to the specified printer, or the default printer of the computer that the request or work order is created from.
What triggers a general problem notification?
A general problem notification is sent when a request or work order is created or edited, that problem is selected, and the request or work order is saved.
Work Request
Work Order
Note: Problem Notifications can also be setup to be triggered based on a Category and Problem combination.
When is a general problem notification sent?
General problem notifications are sent immediately upon saving the request or work order. However, if the notification is an email there might be some delay depending on settings in the Lucity Administration Tools.
Where is a general problem notification configured ?
While the notification itself is created in the General > Notification Setup module, the notification is actually assigned to the problem in the Work Flow Setup > Problem module on the Notification tab.
How can a general problem notification be overridden?
Most Request notifications can be overridden in the Request by checking the corresponding override button. This must be done before the request is saved or the notification is scheduled to be sent, otherwise the notification is sent automatically.
Override Supervisor Notification Button |
Stops the Supervisor notification from being sent for the current request. Supervisor notifications are sent whenever the Supervisor is set on the request and the record is saved. |
Override Problem Notification Button |
Stops the Problem notifications from being sent out for the current request. Problem notifications are sent whenever the Problem is set on the request and the record is saved. |
Override Overdue Notification Button |
Stops the Overdue notification from being sent out for the current request. Overdue notifications are automatically sent to the supervisor listed in the request when the current date is past the Projected Completion date.
Override Customer Thank You Button |
Stops the Customer Thank You notification from being sent out for the current request. Customer Thank You notifications are automatically sent out to the requester when the request is created. |
Override Completed Thank You Button |
Stops the Completed Thank You notification from being sent out for the current request. Completed Thank You notifications are automatically snet out to the requesters when the request is closed. |
Note: When any of these check boxes are marked, the system will NOT send the corresponding notifications. Work Notifications may also be overridden in the Work Order module.
How To setup a general problem notification
Note: The notification template must have one of these values. (The module could also be set to Work Order)
Note: The Last Modified By and Last Modified Date fields are automatically populated.
How To setup a category-specific problem notification
Note: The notification template must have one of these values. (The module could also be set to Work Order)
The Categories tab contains two grids.
Categories Grid
The Categories grid houses a list of all categories associated with a problem. The problem will appear in the list of available problems when any of the categories in this grid are selected on a work order.
A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order. Selecting a record in this grid controls which records are displayed in the Notification grid.
Notification Grid
The Notification grid allows users to setup category specific problem notifications. These notifications that are sent out only when the problem and a specific category are selected on the same request or work order.
Note: To setup non-category specific problem notifications go to the Notifications tab.
A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order. The records in this grid are tied to the category selected in the Categories grid.
How to add a Category-specific Notification
Note: The Last Modified By and Last Modified Date fields are automatically filled by the system.
Note: The Last Modified By and Last Modified Date fields are automatically populated.