Work Permit Notifications

The Work Permit module has a notification feature that provides a way to quickly send emails to the contact listed on the permit. These emails could be used to send out reminders of checklist items, or that the permit is about to expire.


Who receives a Permit notification?

What triggers a Permit notification?

Where is a Permit notification setup?


How To Set Up Notifications

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup (Notification Setup, module.

    Note: The notification template must have these values


  2. After creating the notification template go to the Work > Work Permits > Permits.
  3. Find a record or Setup a filter of permit records to send emails to
  4. On the Permit Tab make sure the Permit Email field is filled out with the contact's email address


  5. Select the button on the Toolbar and this screen will pop-up


    1. Send Email Notification for Current Record (Will send the notifications to the contact for only the currently selected permit)
    2. Send Email Notification for Filterset (Will send the notification to the contacts of all permits in the filterset)
  6. Hit and the following screen will appear.


  7. Click the Email Notif # button and select the notification to be sent out

    Note: Only Notification Templates that have the Notification Module set to "Work Permit" will show in this list.

  8. Click Button OK and the Notification will be sent.