Sending Notifications on a Start Date

This function allows a single email notification to be sent on the Start Date of a Work Order, in addition to any notifications sent on the work order creation date.

Usually a work order is created shortly before the work needs to be done. All task notifications are sent when a work order is created. However, there are times when a work order is generated ahead of time, either manually or using a PM. In these cases it might be better to have a notification generate on the Work Order's start date reminding employees of the work.


What causes the Start Date Notification to be sent?

Who receives this notification?

How Can Work Notifications be Overridden?


How To Setup a Task To Send a Notification on the Start Date

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup (Notification Setup, module.

    Note: The notification template must have these values


  2. After creating the template, go into the Work Flow Setup > Task module.
  3. On the Notifications tab
  4. In Work Flow Setup > Employee > Contact Info tab the Email field must be filled out for the supervisor to receive the notification.


  5. After completing the above setup, every time the task is used as the Main Task on a work order, the supervisor will receive a notification on the work order's start date, if the work order was created ahead of time.

Note: The Work Task must be selected as the Main Task on the Work Order for the related notifications to be sent.