Overdue Problem Notification

The employee assigned as Supervisor on a Request can be sent email notifications to alert him or her when the problem on the Request is overdue.


What Determines when a Problem is Overdue?

Who Receives Overdue Problem Notifications?

Where are Overdue Problem Notifications Set Up?

When are Overdue Problem Notifications Sent?

How Can Overdue Problem Notifications be Overridden?


How To Setup a Problem To Generate an Overdue Notification

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup (Notification Setup, http://help.lucity.com/webhelp/v175/desktop/index.htm#22846.htm) module.

    Note: The notification template must have these values


  2. After creating the template, go into the Work Flow Setup > Problems module.
  3. Click edit to edit the record.
  4. On the Defaults tab fill out the number of days this problem should take to be resolved in the Overdue Days field.
  5. On the Defaults tab in the Overdue Notif field select which email notification will be sent to supervisors. Overdue

    Note:In Work Flow Setup > Employee > Contact Info tab the Email field must be filled out for the supervisor.

  6. Click to save the record.