Asset Hierarchy Trees

Asset Hierarchy Trees (or, Asset Trees) group assets based on their source module and relationship. This type of Plug-in can be applied to the Plants, Site, Building, and Equipment inventories, and it is often based on a filter.

Asset Trees display a list of records for the selected module. When a user expands a record in a tree, the system displays the children records related to that record. Clicking on any level of the tree opens the related module to the set of selected records.

Web Example




All Plant Inventory records are displayed.

Plant 100 has seven related plant process records.

Process 1.1 has one related Raw Water Pump Station record. 


Asset Tree

Asset Tree Options

Selected Module

Identifies the module in which the tree will start.


Displays the filter currently being used for the Asset Tree.


Launches the filter dialog, which is used either to create a new filter or to load a previously saved filter.

Select Display Options

Controls what is shown at each level of the Asset Tree: the asset Code, the asset Description, or both.


Saves changes and closes the Edit dialog.


Closes the Edit dialog without saving changes.


How to add an Asset Tree

More information about Acquiring Filters >>