Acquiring Filters

When the user clicks Acquire Filter in the process of creating a Plug-in, a pop-up appears to enable the user to locate and modify the filter.

Program *

Specifies the part of the program that the Plug-in should access. The program the user selects controls which modules appear in the Module list.

Module *

Identifies the Module associated with this Plug-in. Selecting the module causes the program to begin building the filter.

Use or Modify an Existing Filter

Enables the user to select a Filter that has already been saved in the selected Module in Lucity Desktop or Web.

Database Syntax

Displays the SQL statement that the filter uses. This statement appears whether the user is manually writing the SQL or has selected a saved filter.

Select reserved word

Indicates that a reserved word should be used in the filter. Reserved words can be used to add specific types of dynamic data to the filterset.

Example: If you wanted a Plug-in to show today's Work Orders, you could create a filter that said: SELECT * FROM WKORDER WHERE WO_STRT_DT = '9/26/2012'. On Sept. 26, it would show all the work orders for that day, but this would be useless on any other day, and would have to be changed daily to be useful. However, using reserved words, you could create this filter: SELECT * FROM WKORDER WHERE WO_STRT_DT = '%CURRENTDAY%'. Then, every day, the SQL would change to reflect the current day, and the Plug-in would always display Work Orders for the current day.

Test "Where"

Tests whether the SQL statement's WHERE clause is valid and indicates the number of records that the filter returns.


Saves the filter and closes this window.


How to add a filter to a Plug-in

How to use a reserved word