Water Options

Notice: This section has been moved to Lucity Web and is no longer updated here. Lucity Water Options >

The Water Options module allows a system administrator to turn on/off various options and specify various default date frequencies for all the Water modules.

How to Change a Setting

Water Option & Affected Modules


Integration w/ Facility

  • Storage Facility Inventories
  • Supply Source Inventories
  • Pump Station Inventories
  • Vault Inventories
  • Structure Inventories

This option enables you to link a water storage facility or pump station to a building in the Facility module program via the Alt. Building field. Then any equipment that is linked to that building will appear in the Other Equipment grid of the water storage facility's inventory record.

Note: If this option is turned off and/or you don't own the Facility module but the Integration with Equipment module is turned on, the system will automatically populate the Alt. Bldg. Field in order to allow you to add equipment to your pump stations and storage facilities.

Integration w/ Equipment

  • Pump Inventories
  • Pump Station Inventories
  • Storage Facility Inventories
  • Supply Source Inventories
  • Vault Inventories
  • Structure Inventories

This option enables you to link equipment pieces from the Equipment module with a water pump, pump station, or storage facility. Then those equipment inventory records can be easily accessed from the pump/pump station/storage facility record.

Populate Service Tap ID w/ Acct No. and Tap No.

  • Service Tap Inventories

If this option is set at "Yes," the Service Tap ID field will be auto- populated with the account number and tap number. For example, if you enter 444 for an account number and 2 for the tap number, the service tap ID will be 444-2.

Note: If this option is turned on, the Account Number and Tap Number fields will become required fields.

Force Uniqueness for Address and Tap No for Service Tap Record

  • Service Tap Inventories

If this option is set at "Yes," you will not be able to save a service tap inventory record unless the address and tap number entered are unique.

BFP Next Test Date Frequency

  • Backflow Preventers Inventory

This option allows you to set a default numeric value for the Next Test Date Frequency field in the Backflow Inventory module. This default value refers to the number of days, weeks, months, or years before the next test will occur.

BFP Next Test Date Frequency Units

  • Backflow Preventers Inventory

This option allows you to specify a default numeric value that represents the time duration from the Frequency Units pick list (e.g. 1= hours, 2= days). This default time duration refers to the time between testing (e.g. hours, days, weeks, months, or years).

Note: The Frequency Units pick list can be accessed by clicking on the Frequency Units field caption in the Notices tab of the Backflow Preventers Inventory module. You can add your own time duration code-descriptions to the pick list; however, you cannot edit the pre-defined ones.

BFP Next Rebuild Date Frequency

  • Backflow Preventers Inventory

This option allows you to set a default numeric value for the Next Rebuild Date Frequency field in the Backflow Inventory module. This default value refers to the number of days, weeks, months, or years before the next rebuild will occur.

BFP Next Rebuild Date Frequency Units

  • Backflow Preventers Inventory

This option allows you to specify a default numeric value that represents the time duration from the Frequency Units pick list (e.g. 1= hours, 2= days). This default time duration refers to the time between rebuilds (e.g. hours, days, weeks, months, or years).

Note: The Frequency Units pick list can be accessed by clicking on the Frequency Units field caption in the Notices tab of the Backflow Preventers Inventory module. You can add your own time duration code-descriptions to the pick list; however, you cannot edit the pre-defined ones.

Use Testing Date to Recalculate Next Test/Rebuild Date

  • Backflow Inventory
  • Backflow Tests

If this option is set to Yes, then the Next Test/Rebuild Date recorded in the Inventory module will be established based on the date of the most recent Backflow Test.

If this option is set to No, the Last Test Date and Last Rebuild Date fields will be used to establish a time frame when each backflow test and rebuild is due regardless of when it was last inspected or rebuilt (as recorded in the Backflow Tests module).

BF Tests - Validate Company Licenses and Test Kits

  • Backflow Preventers Tests
  • Backflow Testing Companies

Backflow Tests

If, upon a save, you want the Backflow Test to validate whether the Company has a valid License and valid (unexpired) Test Kit, this option must be set to Yes.


Backflow Testing Companies

If this option is set to Yes, then both the initial tester and final tester must be linked to a valid company.  A company is considered to be valid if it has at least one license that is not expired.

Note:  By default, we recommend that this option is set to Yes.

BFP Tester Inactive Date Frequency and Frequency Units

  • Backflow Preventers Testers

Upon populating the Date Active field, the Date Inactive field will be auto-calculated. This calculation is based on the numeric value specified in the BFP Tester Inactive Date Frequency option and the time duration specified in the BFP Tester Inactive Date Frequency Units option.


For example, if you want the tester's active status to end three years from the active date, you would enter a '3' for the BFP Tester Inactive Date Frequency option and enter a '5' (5= years in the Frequency Units pick list) for the BFP Tester Inactive Date Frequency Units option.

Note: The Frequency Units pick list can be accessed by clicking on the Frequency Units field caption in the Notices tab of the Backflow Preventers Inventory module. You can add your own time duration code-descriptions to the pick list; however, you cannot edit the pre-defined ones.

Update Main Break with Pipe Inventory Record Info

  • Mainbreaks Module

If this option is set to "Yes", the pipe attribute information will be auto-populated in the Mainbreaks module when the Pipe Number is selected from the Pipe Inventory pick list. The auto-populated fields include the pipe's Surface Type, Pipe Depth, Diameter, Material, Map Number, Alt Map Number, Pressure Zone, and System.

In Flushing Route, Copy Hydrants to Work Orders with Tool

Controls how the Create Flushing History and WO tool works in the Water Flushing Route toolkit. When this option is enabled Hydrants on the Flushing Route are automatically added as assets to the work order created by the tool.

In Flushing Route, Copy Valves to Work Orders with Tool

Controls how the Create Flushing History and WO tool works in the Water Flushing Route toolkit. When this option is enabled Valves on the Flushing Route are automatically added as assets to the work order created by the tool.

In Flushing Route, Copy Pipes to Work Orders with Tool

Controls how the Create Flushing History and WO tool works in the Water Flushing Route toolkit. When this option is enabled Pipes on the Flushing Route are automatically added as assets to the work order created by the tool.