
This tab allows you to view and document when a piece of equipment will be unavailable.  For instance, if the equipment piece is scheduled for preventative maintenance on a certain date, you can log the date in this grid.  Additionally, this tab interacts with the Work Order module and alerts you if you assign a work order to an unavailable item of equipment or one that is already scheduled for another task on the same day.

Logging Availability

To log availability, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record.  The following screen will appear:

    Equip Avail

  2. Select the status from the pick list. This is a required field.
  3. Enter the reason for unavailability (i.e. scheduled for work, in for repairs).
  4. Record the start and end dates for the scheduled unavailability.
  5. Click to save the record.
  6. Click to close the window.