Vendor Parts Records

Vendor Parts records display information about a part that a vendor provides and matches it to a part in the agency's Parts Inventory.

Vendor Parts

Special Function fields

Vendor Part ID

The vendor's ID for the part.

UPC Code

The Universal Product Code for the item, which can be used to look up parts.

Part ID

The agency's ID for the part. This field links the Vendor Part to a record in the Part Inventory.

Vendor UOM

The unit of measure in which the vendor measures this part.

Example: In the screenshot above, the vendor measures this part in crates.


The ratio between the vendor's part units and the agency's part units.

Example: In the screenshot above, the Ratio is 6. That means that for every one crate of oil the agency purchases, it tracks six quarts in its inventory.

Vendor Unit Cost

The price the vendor charges per unit.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measurement that the agency uses for the part.

Example: In the screenshot above, the agency measures this part in quarts.