Key Rings Header Data

The Header fields in this module are defined in the table below.  

Field Name


Key Ring Rec #

This record number is automatically generated by the system each time a record is added.

Blind Code

This field should be a unique, user-defined ID.

Key Ring Name

This field should be a unique, user-defined name.

ID Number

This field allows you to assign a key ring to an employee.  Select an ID Number from the Personnel pick list. Once an ID is selected, the system will automatically fill the corresponding employee name.

Issued Date

Here, you can record the date and time the key ring was issued to the employee.

Due Date

Here, you can record the date and time the key ring is due back from the employee.

Returned Date

Here, you can record the date and time the key ring was returned by the employee.


Use this field to track the current key ring status.

Status Date

Use this field to track the most recent status date.

Hook Number

This field allows you to associate your key ring with a key hook.  This pick list comes from the Key Hook module pick list.

Note:  None of these fields are required in order to save the record.